VOICES Feature: Alicia Perry

The Stockton Younger Women’s Task Force works to amplify and uplift the voices of women in Stockton. We share interviews with amazing women who are making a difference in our community on our website, social media, and in our email newsletters.

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Alicia Perry

CEO of Three Seeds Organization

Interviewed October 6, 2020

What do you do? Tell us a little about yourself and your organization.

I am the CEO of Three Seeds Organization. We are a small organization, however we are making a big impact in the City of Stockton. The programs and services that we provide focus on education, employment/entrepreneurship, and empowerment. 

With our education programming, we provide workshops and classes regarding all things associated with education. Workshops can range from topics such as GED preparation, college applications, scholarship applications, college essay statement preparation, diabetes, breast cancer, and how-to workshops. Our employment programming includes resume preparation, mock interviews, and interview do’s and don’ts workshops. Our empowerment programming includes sister circles, youth summer camps, and the ability to offer a diaper pantry for families in need.


What inspired you to do the work that you do?

The purpose of creating the organization was to help fill some gaps in our community. I often think of the intersection of the clients that come to our office and the challenges they face. 

There are so many issues that are becoming more visual during the pandemic such as many social issues such as racism, inequality, poverty, unemployment, homelessness, access to education, public health, mental health, and the list goes on and on. Because I am seeing more and more people in need, I am inspired more and more.

What are some of the barriers that women in Stockton face that you want to highlight?

In all honesty, the barriers that women are facing in our city is the lack of information. Not saying that information is not available, I am saying that they do not know where or how to get information. There is a lot of information that is available on social media however if you do not have access to that…it is hard to get that information. Actually, we are set up on the 2-1-1 system as a provider, but not many people are aware of that service.


Why are you voting this year?

This is a very important voting year!!!! All years are important… I just feel that this year’s election is very pivotal from the local level all the way up! We are working with so many feelings right now…I know I am, so I am voting because I am looking at the bigger picture. I need to research and vote because my grandmother and grandfather were not allowed to. I am voting because I am asking others to vote—how can I do that and not vote myself?


What do you do to treat yourself? Any self-care recommendations to share with other women?

I work a full-time job at the University of the Pacific as the Associate Director of the Community Involvement Program (CIP), plus run my business and take care of my household which keeps me really busy. However I am not “Wonder Woman.” I take at least 30-45 minutes out of my day to concentrate on me. I have my affirmations and my aromatherapy going on. No TV…No phone…


What can people do to support and get involved in your work? 

To support us, we are always open for monetary and in-kind donations with huge emphasis on adult incontinence supplies (diapers) and children diapers (all sizes), books for ages K-3rd (to increase literacy in our community we give books with the diapers) and other basic necessities.

We are also looking for a donated commercial property to run more programming. Moreover, because of COVID-19, we are doing our programming via Zoom and on social media.

It would be great for everyone to follow us on our social media accounts for updates @threeseedsorg. If someone wants to volunteer, please contact us at [email protected].


Anything else you want to share?

We must treat others the way we want to be treated. Be kind to one another.

Email [email protected] to donate, learn more at threeseeds.org, and follow them on social media @threeseedsorg

Thank you for everything you do for our community, Alicia!

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